Ruby rips stitches

Day 22 post op, these stitches/staples have been in for too long Ruby says!  She did this a few days ago, but at times keeps trying to do more little by little.  You can see the slimy substance on the incision line of what is left of seepage.  She isn’t dripping anymore, but still shows fluid sometimes.  She can still get at her sutures even with the cone on.  She doesn’t do it all the time, but at times.  I have read where you can put boxer shorts on them to help cover it.  would that be better than a tshirt?  Not sure what to do and I have to work in a couple of hours through the night.  I do not think I have any boxer shorts here.  For the most part she does good about leaving them alone and I keep the cone on her pretty much all day/night.  I know stitches bother because I just had mine removed from my hand after nine days of being in and I couldn’t stand them either.  Poor Ruby.  She just wants to be normal again, for real.

Ruby 20 day post op check up

Ruby is healing nicely! I only saw her drip one drop this morning on the floor.    We went to visit her doctor tonight at the hospital to check her seepage and incision.  Instead of removing the staples/stiches she added three more and wants to keep them in until next Monday.   I’m very happy with the check up.  I really like this Vet.  She wants her to remain on Clavamox for another week.   I remembered to ask about the pink leash and color, which she brought back to us!   I told her that Ruby is an active dog and I’ve mostly kept her quiet and restricted to not aggravate the wound.  Dr. said she is able to run and play, no restrictions!   Seems like life is going to go back to normal now!  I’m really relieved.  It’s been a high speed chase the past two months trying to overcome cancer of the knee.  It happened out of nowhere and almost destroyed us, but the fight we have inside said NOT YET!

Ruby day 17 Post Op

She is well this morning, but still having seepage.  Not awfully bad, but some light pinkish drippings at times.  She is resting comfortably after her breakfast on a lazy Saturday.  I reread the doctors notes last night because I have been worried about her.  Never have I dealt with a seeping incision.  I read about it, hoped it wouldn’t happen to her and it has.  We will get thru this!
Anyways… this is what the Doctor said for aftercare notes… “Ruby still has draining from 2 areas along her incision line.  These areas were where there was seepage after surgery.  I changer her antibiotics from cephalexin to clavamox on Monday  Sept 11.  Clean the drainage two to three times daily with warm water.  You can use antibacterial soap also but rinse well.  I will want to take the staples out next Monday… after 6:30 pm.  I may have to “tweek” the areas of skin that are still not healed.  She may have to stay for a short time.  call me if you have concerns or problems.” Dr. Jill.
I appreciate that letter she sent home.  I do not know if I am able to take care of this seepage properly, but I have been doing what was instructed to the letter and upon pick up what I was told and shown.  I dab a damp cloth to her and clean the leaky spots.  I am keeping her calm and quiet.  She is sleeping on her bed beside me, in the living room.  I have to work thru the weekend.  I worry about her when I leave.  Yesterday I didn’t put her in the “rest room” when I left.  I just let her stay with her pack, but wearing the cone.  When I came home last night, she was fine.  Just had to clean the wounds, of course.  I keep the cone on her for the most part always lately.  I accidentally put a different cone around her and she was able to reach that wound, I did not know it.  I was sent home through out this whole entire process for the past two months now with three different cones, one happened to be 18″ and the others 30″.  big difference for her with that long nose she has.  She can almost fold herself in half I noticed as I caught her licking the wound with the small cone on.

I wonder how long it will take her to heal and start being able to absorb all the fluids… adjusting to the missing limb better?  I expect Monday that she will need to help tweek those leaky areas and Ruby may have to remain in the hospital a few days for that.   Complications are tough, she’s been thru enough and needs a break on life right now!  Rest well, woo woo.  

Welcome home Ruby

Ruby is now home and already asleep on her new bed!  She is very happy to be home.  Staples are still in and she is leaking fluid a little, but it should stop soon.  She gets the staples out next Monday.  I would type more but my hand hurts too much today.  I’ll post pics soon

Ruby is ready

Ruby is ready for pick up!!!  The Vet called me while I was at Urgent Care getting stitches on my hand because I broke a glass while washing dishes today.   She told me that they can keep her until Wednesday if I need.  She is still leaking a tiny bit of fluid, but should be fine to be home.  Switched her onto a new antibiotic.   I am going to pick her up tomorrow night, after work.  I have a couple days off to be with her after tomorrow.  Part of me wants to go and get her now tho.  Not sure what I will do yet.  I’m still in shock after getting six stitches.  When it rains, it pours.